Vighnesh Maharaj Productions is a multimedia production company situated
in the Netherlands which has produced various well received motion pictures, (TV) documentaries, photographs and soundtracks.

About the founder:
“I am a storyteller, images and sounds are my favorite languages”.” How do I express that which cannot be expressed in words? In my films and music I try to visualise the unspeakable and to express the unsaid”.“ At whatever form of art, you always have to ask yourself: what is it you want to say? A message which touches you is beyond language or form”. Vighnesh M. Peters
“I am a storyteller, images and sounds are my favorite languages”.” How do I express that which cannot be expressed in words? In my films and music I try to visualise the unspeakable and to express the unsaid”.“ At whatever form of art, you always have to ask yourself: what is it you want to say? A message which touches you is beyond language or form”. Vighnesh M. Peters
Vighnesh Maharaj Peters director of Vighnesh Maharaj Productions (VMP).
Director | Writer | Producer | Composer | Cinematographer | Editor | Presentor
Director | Writer | Producer | Composer | Cinematographer | Editor | Presentor
Administrative info:
BTW/VAT 80.9620.492B01
KvK/CC: 34130377Bank: ING BANK NV
IBAN: NL09INGB0009009315
BTW/VAT 80.9620.492B01
KvK/CC: 34130377Bank: ING BANK NV
IBAN: NL09INGB0009009315